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Using StaffTraveler eSim
Using StaffTraveler eSim
Is it possible to make phone calls or send SMS messages with the StaffTraveler eSIM?
How do I know how much data I have left in my plan?
How to top up my data plan?
How to rename my eSIM (Android)
How to rename my eSIM (iOS)
When you return home (Android)
When you return home (iOS)
Is it possible to make phone calls or send SMS messages with the StaffTraveler eSIM?
Can I use Personal Hotspot using the StaffTraveler eSIM?
How to turn your eSIM on or off (iOS)
How to turn your eSIM on or off (Android)
I have a new phone, or my old phone is lost
How do I top up my data plan?
How do I turn off unused apps (for iOS) to save data?
How do I turn off unused apps (for Android) to save data?
My new data plan is not visible after purchase