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14 articles
What is an eSIM?
Why do I need the StaffTraveler eSIM?
When do I need the StaffTraveler eSIM?
Which countries does the StaffTraveler eSIM support?
How to get support?
What is the StaffTraveler eSIM?
Tips to utilize your StaffTraveler eSIM
Who can use the StaffTraveler eSIM?
View all articles in “General”
7 articles
Is my device eSIM compatible?
How to verify that everything is installed correctly before leaving your country?
How to install your eSIM manually with a QR code (iOS)
How to install my StaffTraveler eSIM manually with a QR code (Android)
How to install the StaffTraveler eSIM (iOS)
How to install the StaffTraveler eSIM (Android)
How to use the StaffTraveler eSIM on a non-eSIM Android phone
Using StaffTraveler eSim
16 articles
Is it possible to make phone calls or send SMS messages with the StaffTraveler eSIM?
How do I know how much data I have left in my plan?
How to top up my data plan?
How to rename my eSIM (Android)
How to rename my eSIM (iOS)
When you return home (Android)
When you return home (iOS)
Is it possible to make phone calls or send SMS messages with the StaffTraveler eSIM?
View all articles in “Using StaffTraveler eSim”
6 articles
My eSIM is stuck activating on my iOS device
I am experiencing slow internet speed or a bad connection
I don't have Internet access (Android)
I don't have Internet access (iOS)
What if my eSIM doesn't work?
What to do if your phone is carrier-locked?